Conference EIT RawMaterials
13th December 2021 – It was a pleasure to share our experience with EIT RawMaterials, where from 350 startup companies from Middle & East Europe only 5 were selected and AtomTrace, a.s. was one of them! Thank you for this opportunity and also a big thank you to our Vice President Sales Miroslav Mandel, who present us on this event.Contacts
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Take the first step to easier and speedier chemical analysis. Reach out to us and we will be in touch soon!
AtomTrace a.s.
Vědecko-technický park profesora Lista
Kolejní 9, Brno 612 00
Czech Republic
Identification number: 03396916
VAT: CZ03396916
Company AtomTrace a.s. is processing personal data. Information on the processing of personal data is available here.
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