Beryllium spectra

Be II 234.86 nm
Be II 467.34 nm
Be II 313.04 nm

The three atomic emission spectra for Beryllium can be shown on graph bellow: NIST Atomic Spectra Database [1], gfall.dat file from Kurucz CD-ROM No. 23 [2] and AtomTrace database. Lines in the AtomTrace list were observed in the optical emission of laser induced plasmas, and the respective values of spectroscopic constants are taken from [1].

You can enable and disable each database by clicking on the legend on the right side. Graph can be controled by the buttons on the control panel on the right top side.

Download spectra in *.asc: AtomTrace  |  NIST  |  Kurucz

Line spectrum servers only for visualization purposes, the intensity of each line was generated according to following equation: A_{ ki }g_{ k }\cdot e^{ -\frac{ E_{ k } } { Tk_{ B } } }
where T is thermodynamic temperature, artificially chosen as 10^4 K and k_B is Boltzmann constant 8.617330310 \times 10^{ -5 }\mathrm{ eV }\cdot\mathrm{ K }^{ -1 } and A_{ ki } , g_k and E_k are spectroscopic properties taken from [1]. The broadening of lines is artificial, generated with Gaussian and Lorentzian convolution filters.

List of Lines

Click on the tab of desired database to show the list of emission lines.

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[1] Kramida, A., Ralchenko, Yu., Reader, J. and NIST ASD Team (2017). NIST Atomic Spectra Database (version 5.5.1), [Online]. Available: [Sun Dec 10 2017]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
[2] 1995 Atomic Line Data (R.L. Kurucz and B. Bell) Kurucz CD-ROM No. 23. Cambridge, Mass.: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.